Carl Jung
The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.
The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.
Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. In the final analysis, the one quality that all successful people have is the ability to take on responsibility.
Failure is success if we learn from it.
As long as war is regarded as wicked it will always have its fascinations. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.
What, then, is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.
Water, taken in moderation, cannot hurt anybody.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. best divorce lawyers in los angeles
I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a Democrat!
I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.
Obstacles do not exist to be surrendered to, but only to be broken.
A mind of the calibre of mine cannot derive its nutriment from cows.
Deep versed in books and shallow in himself.
A shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.
Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.
Injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.
Hope for the Best. Expect the worst. Life is a play. We're unrehearsed.
You must not think me necessarily foolish because I am facetious, nor will I consider you necessarily wise because you are grave.
Fantasy is a necessary ingrediant in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
Our lives teach us who we are.
He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself.
One man cannot hold another man down in the ditch without remaining down in the ditch with him.
Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.
The ACLU is always yakking about the Constitution, and most of us are getting mighty tired of it. I mean, if the Constitution is so great, how come it was…
We do not need more intellectual power, we need more spiritual power. We do not need more of the things that are seen, we need more of the things that…
I'm just like anyone. I cut and I bleed. And I embarass easily.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. офисная мебель москва заказать
Perhaps one of the most important accomplishments of my administration has been minding my own business.
The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.
Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is.
Reason is our soul's left hand, Faith her right.
I wish I could give you a lot of advice, based on my experience of winning political debates. But I don't have that experience. My only experience is at losing…
A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.
If you have a job without aggravation, you don't have a job.
There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness.
The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion, because if a mother can kill her own child what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There…
Man has almost constant occasion for the help of his brethren, and it is in vain for him to expect it from their benevolence only.
The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on; it is never of any use to oneself.
We'll try to cooperate fully with the IRS, because, as citizens, we feel a strong patriotic duty not to go to jail.
Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it.
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.
The flowers anew, returning seasons bring! But beauty faded has no second spring.
The words printed here are concepts. You must go through the experiences.
If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way.
Chance fights ever on the side of the prudent.
It is only necessary to make war with five things: with the maladies of the body, with the ignorances of the mind, with the passions of the body, with the…
To err is human; to forgive is divine.
Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.
I've had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it.
Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.
We are faced with the paradoxical fact that education has become one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought.
Duty cannot exist without faith.
The heart has its reasons, of which the mind knows nothing.
Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort, heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless.…
A free society is one where it is safe to be unpopular.
The path to youth takes a whole life.
Morality, like numinous awe, is a jump; in it, man goes beyond anything that can be 'given' in the facts of experience. chicago divorce lawyer
If Al Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell check.
The worst moment for the athieist is when he feels thankful and has no one to thank.
A man is measured by the size of things that anger him.
The difference between divorce and legal separation is that a legal separation gives a husband time to hide his money.
Have you ever observed that we pay much more attention to a wise passage when it is quoted than when we read it in the original author?
Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is.
I almost had a pyschic girlfriend, but she left me before we met.
Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.
To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.
My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.
Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while.
You give 100 percent in the first half of the game, and if that isn't enough in the second half you give what's left.
You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.
As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this, to the extent of the difference,…
A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know.
If we don?t end war, war will end us.
Half of maturity consists of knowing when and how to be immature.
Courtesy is as much a mark of a gentleman as courage.
Any stupid ass can die. That's easy. Living is tough.
To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.
Love means loving the unlovable - or it is no virtue at all.
The flames kindled on the Fourth of July, 1776, have spread over too much of the globe to be extinguished by the feeble engines of despotism; on the contrary, they…